Stefanie Drost
web development & fitness with heart and passion
Stefanie Drost
web development & fitness with heart and passion

Passionate Developer Engineer DevOp

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
~Martin Fowler


Hi, my name is Stefanie Drost and I am PHP Freelancer based in Berlin. I would be pleased to help you with the technical realisation of your web project. I can also support you in frontend development with technologies like CSS and Javascript or assist in DevOps tasks.

Get In Touch Now

User Experience

An intuitive usability of a web application plays a crucial role for customer loyalty. The guiding principle for achieving a positive user experience are a clear design concept as well as the performance optimization. I am always fascinated how minimal changes of the look and feel can create a complete new effect on the user


The competition is not sleeping. Hardly a minute passes without a new cool library or another more efficient framework is released in the sector of web development.
That is exactly the reason why this business is so exiting and complex. I am anxious to learn new technologies and improve my skills regularly. Following the principle of "Learning by Doing" I am always searching for new challenges and development opportunities.

Clean Code

As a developer I set a high value on clean and good structured code. Thereby different areas of responsibility are seperated and the maintenance of the application will be improved. In addition practices like Test Driven Development (TDD) can help to find and fix failing implementations early. Regular refactoring has a high priority for me. It keeps the application up-to-date and removes possible deprecated code.

"If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you."
~Steve Jobs

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